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  • Partnerships

    Embarking on your own fish habitat project may seem a bit daunting. Here are a few hints and tips on how to get your project up and running.

    Riparian revegetation in the Upper Castlereagh Catchment

    A strategic partnership could be the key to the success of your project. The benefits of working with other recreational fishers, neighbouring land holders, local landcare or river care groups, and/or government agencies include:

    • Sharing the work load
    • Sharing skills and knowledge
    • Access to different networks and areas
    • Contributing additional resources
    • Access to diverse funding sources
    Improving fish access at Stroud Weir by installing a rock ramp fishway

    Successful, long-term partnerships are founded on:

    • Shared goals which are aligned but not necessarily the same
    • Acceptance of a partner’s contribution and level of involvement
    • Regular and effective communication
    • Celebration of achievements
